RCCA Keynote 2016: Never Rest on Your Technology Laurels: Community College Trends for the Future
Never Rest on Your Technology Laurels: Community College Trends for the Future is a look at issues which will impact the deployment of technology at the rural community college. Thanks to the Rural Community College Alliance and Dr. Randy Smith for allowing me to share my thoughts on this topic as the closing keynote address…
Kuali Days 2016? Why Bother
Kuali’s formula after their for-profit direction is more problematic than that of a commercial vendor such as Ellucian, because Ellucian never asked for membership or “project contribution” money to develop software with the intention of selling the result back to you as SaaS products. In my last Kuali related blog; “The Numbers Don’t Lie”, I…
Change is in the Air
Change is in the air. Thanks for your patience while we tidy up a bit. My archives will soon be available again. If you want to see anything sooner it is available (minus many images) at*/
The Numbers Don’t Lie
The transition from Kuali to Kualico has been a rough ride for all involved. Out of control and utter failure some might say. The process has eroded the reputation of open source in education and declining memberships and revenues have pushed the once passionate Kuali community to the edge of being just another failed IT…
Austin we have a problem: University of Maryland drops financial support for Kuali Student project
Some things are too coincidental to be a coincidence. -Yogi Berra I received an message the other day…
Portals are a Terrible Thing
We didn’t have a portal when I arrived at Casper College in 2011. We also had serious budget constraints and other spending priorities when I arrived so the extensive list of expensive commercial portal options we explored…were not actually options. We rolled out an instance of Moodle, our campus LMS, as a temporary portal but…
Kuali/ KualiCo Update: One Year and a Cloud of Dust
The Dust Bowl was the name given to the Great Plains region devastated by drought in 1930s depression-ridden America. When drought struck in the 1930s the arid grasslands which had been broken out for farming no longer had a strong root system as an anchor. The winds easily picked up the loose topsoil and swirled…
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