Category: ERP
AACC 2017 Review: I found people who would fight for the hope of me"
I found people who would fight for the hope of me. -Wes Moore, AACC 2017 Opening Keynote I personally had a really great AACC meeting for the following reasons: Wes Moore’s keynote and the quote above set the tone for me. I think he nailed it. That is what community colleges do. They fight for…
Kuali Days 2016? Why Bother
Kuali’s formula after their for-profit direction is more problematic than that of a commercial vendor such as Ellucian, because Ellucian never asked for membership or “project contribution” money to develop software with the intention of selling the result back to you as SaaS products. In my last Kuali related blog; “The Numbers Don’t Lie”, I…
Austin we have a problem: University of Maryland drops financial support for Kuali Student project
Some things are too coincidental to be a coincidence. -Yogi Berra I received an message the other day…
Kuali/ KualiCo Update: One Year and a Cloud of Dust
The Dust Bowl was the name given to the Great Plains region devastated by drought in 1930s depression-ridden America. When drought struck in the 1930s the arid grasslands which had been broken out for farming no longer had a strong root system as an anchor. The winds easily picked up the loose topsoil and swirled…
Tidbits of 'The Woz' at eLive 2015
The whole tone and feel of Ellucian Live 2015 was a bit different to me. I attend the CIO Forum and the first day and a half of the regular conference. Some of you will be shocked I am saying this because of various things I have written or tweeted over the years, but there…
Everyone Hates Their ERP except the Kuali Community…at least for now
A question begets a question, which begets a question, thus I will follow up from my last post with a few thoughts and a few more questions I have seen via various channels such as Twitter and blogs. I have observed the Kuali Community for years now, using both Jenzabar and Ellucian’s Colleague, while…
Kuali Questions Continue at Educause
It’s been a little over a month since the Kuali Foundation announced the formation of a for-profit Kuali entity. My reflection upon all the conversation flying about regarding the new Kuali commercial company was renewed this past week during Educause 2014. Educause is the premier higher education technology conference held every fall and conversations during…