Tag: tweeting
Turning Twitter up to 11: Prepping to Tweet as a Conference Attendee
Turning Twitter Up to 11…at least since yesterday So what is this, “Turning Twitter up to 11” stuff? It developed from to a reply to a Twitter post I made about a previous blog which provides 11 reasons to Tweet at a conference. In a post several years ago I gave 10 reasons to Tweet…
Preparing to Tweet a Conference as an Attendee
Speed is What We Need Getting the most out of any conference or event is hard work. Spending time before you get to a conference will pay big dividends during and after the conference. This advice is beneficial regardless of whether you’re Tweeting the event or not. If you are Tweeting it becomes even more…
Managing My Social Media World and Staying Employed at the Same Time
The following question came up today, “How do you tweet and post so much and get your job done?” Since it came up once I thought it might come up again and it might come to one of you in the form of “How can the idiot IT director do his job when he is…